The directors of USUE institutes told how students and teachers adapted to online learning using distance technologies.


Ekaterina Yalunina, director of the USUE Institute of Continuing and Distance Education: “Each student and teacher of our Institute has a personal account that allows online participation in the educational process using webinars and video conferencing. A student watches a lecture and then takes an obligatory test, and during the session, he/she connects online from home and listens to webinars, video conferences, and answers teachers' questions.” 

Maxim Maramygin, director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law: “Due to the current situation, all students of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law are switched to online training using distance technologies. To date, the educational process is well arranged. All lectures and practical classes are held in the form of webinars or video conferences with students connecting online. Students have no problems; they easily connect to the system and are preparing their first individual tasks. Everyone should complete 6-10 test points per week. This allows keeping students up! ” 

Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies:

Following the recommendations of the government, from March 23, 2020, USUE students have switched to online training. Lectures are delivered according to schedule in the form of webinars using the electronic educational resources of our University. In conjunction with the USUE Department of Information Technologies, an additional website of the Institute was set up where students can remotely settle any matters related to training."

Valery Dubrovsky, director of the USUE Institute of Economics: “There is no student in the classrooms of the USUE Institute of Economics: everyone has switched to distance learning. The educational process is based on a special platform. According to the current schedule, students listen to lectures remotely, receive the knowledge they need, and do tasks. The classrooms are equipped with everything necessary.” 

Natalya Verbitskaya, director of the USUE Master’s Studies Institute: “Online training via distance technologies at our Institute is well running. Thanks to our platform, we deliver lectures and workshops in scheduled classrooms at the scheduled time. Students receive the knowledge they need and answer questions.” 

Azizbek Murodullaev, a member of the USUE Association of International Students: “The USUE Faculty of Pre-University Training for foreign citizens has switched to online training, too. There were no problems both for students and teachers; training takes place in a comfortable mode. Such measures are correct and justified.” 

The directors of USUE institutes told how students and teachers adapted to online learning using distance technologies.

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