Innovative marketing approaches were demonstrated by the finalists of the International Olympiad of youth research projects "Innovative Eurasia".
April 18, 2018, the Congress of Innovators continued its work as part of IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. The finalists of International Olympiad of youth research projects "Innovative Eurasia" in the section "Innovative Management and Marketing of Eurasia: Theory and Practice of Russian and International Companies" defended their projects before an expert jury,
Of 45 entries, only 13 were selected, and the finalists included scientific and practical studies of undergraduates and master students from Polesskн State University (Belarus) and the North-Caucasus Federal University. According to Kirill Fominykh, managing partner at the consulting company GI Consuiting Bureau Ltd, the final of the Olympiad allows "to see the most sensible representatives of the student community". He believes that the manifestation of the research initiative in the student community is a serious claim for success in future, so "no matter how the results are distributed, everyone should be thanked. It is great that students participate in such activities and try themselves as researchers and marketers."

A distinctive feature of this year's Olympiad is the high practical orientation of most of the submitted projects. This means that many projects have already been implemented. The contestants solved the real marketing tasks assigned to them by employers: almost all the finalists are already working as marketers at enterprises and successfully apply the knowledge gained at the university.
Automation of business processes, thrift, access to foreign markets, customer-oriented approach, blogging, and neuromarketing - the most relevant trends were reflected in works of young people. Almost every defense ended in a stormy discussion. For example, Maria Khudanina’s report on the study of behavioral economics by methods of neuromarketing caused heated responses and many questions about the ethics of such techniques. Marina Patrusheva studied the application of lean manufacturing principles in retail trade. They are well established in the industrial sphere, but it seems that their introduction into trade will require not only significant material investments but also the replacement of some mental attitudes of managers and store owners.
Naturally, not all works have become prize-winners, but they can give the idea of students' research interests.
The experts awarded three finalists:
Artem Kudasov with his work "Development of a strategy for the Russian innovative research and production company to enter the markets of CIS countries: the case of "Data-Krat" (3rd place);
Kristina Utrobina, who, based on her research of tools for increasing the loyalty of schoolchildren and students of Yekaterinburg to the services of linguistic centers, developed a loyalty program for Talisman Center (2nd place);
Yulia Kiznertseva, who presented the global project aimed at correlation of marketing research and the financial profit of a hospital: the case of hospital #24 (1st place).

MTS officials awarded a special prize to Yulia Usynina for her research and devotion to the MTS brand.
According to the moderator of project defenses, deputy director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies Andrei Plakhin, the level of competitive works is growing from year to year: "The quality of works is higher and higher, and the results of analysis are deeper".
After successful defenses and interesting studies Evgeny Vorobyev, an investment consultant and a research fellow at the Institute of Economics of the UrB RAS, is ready to immediately invite the two finalists to their new projects.

To the question of our correspondent, "why representatives of such a large company should attend such events?" Andrei Mamaev, marketing director of MTS branch in Sverdlovsk Oblast, answered that, first of all, in order to "see whom to invite for practical training and then to employ".
Igor Semenets, an expert from Slavonic University of the Republic of Moldova, who for the fourth time comes to EEYF and participates in the expert commission, noted the diversity of the research topics discussed. He also added that it is very important not only to speak competently during the presentation, but also to add elements of show, so to make the speech vivid and memorable.

The awards ceremony will be held on April 19, 2018. In addition to commemorative letters, the winners of the Olympiad will receive cash prizes (10 000 rubles for the first place, 5 000 rubles for the second and third places). It is planned to issue a collection of abstracts of the Olympiad finalists publishing them in RSCI and on the sites of Ural State University of Economics.

Innovative marketing approaches were demonstrated by the finalists of the International Olympiad of youth research projects "Innovative Eurasia".

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