From an idea to finding sponsors

The program of the Urban Festival, which takes place at USUE on October 5-8, includes an educational module, project sessions, and handwork. The first lectures took place immediately after the official opening. The participants of the festival received the knowledge necessary to create their own objets d'art or hardscaping sites. Tomorrow, the attendees will do designing themselves and will plane, cut, and saw ... Everything to realize ideas that are useful to the city. In particular, the students learned about creative capital investments, tools for the territories development, the creative clusters construction, and grant writing.

Ivan Gubanov, head of the fundraising department at the Agency of Territories Development 1732, told the audience about the history of the Summer at the Factory project and, based on that case, explained how to apply for grants.

Besides, on the opening day of the Urban-Fest, students began to develop objets d’art. In just two hours, the participants had to concoct projects, which they would perform during the festival. 

Deadlines are tight, but it cannot be helped. Tomorrow, at 9 am, the students will go out to the USUE courtyard, where beams, plywood boards, and other building materials have already been prepared, and will work until the evening. To wrap up the day, the projects will be defended.

Participants of the Urban-fest were taught to promote their projects.

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