Public lecture «Tax managemen»

April 5, USUE hosted a public lecture delivered by Sergei Sidnev, the Sinara Group chief accountant, and Elena Kondratovich, head of the Sinara Group Department of Accounting and Audit Methodology. The lecture was devoted to tax management.

The lecture touched upon a number of important topics in the field of taxation; in particular, the participants became acquainted with the practice of efficient tax planning and management of operational risks, as well as with the types of enterprise policies of risks management.

For clarity, the speakers provided examples in figures. So, in 2017, the revenue of Sinara Group amounted to 90 billion rubles, about 8 billion of which were tax levies.

"Tax payments cover the entire production and economic activities of an organization. Taxes affect the efficiency of production and are the most important factor for making business decisions, therefore, enterprises must always have specialists whose main functions are to analyze and ensure the activity of the enterprise from a tax point of view," Elena Kondratovich says.
Sergei Sidnev spoke about the optimization of taxes based on the choice of viable solutions. According to him, the organization that applies methods of tax management should be interested not so much in the amount of taxes paid but in the effectiveness of decisions taken, which result in the reduction or optimization of taxes, as well as decisions on investing funds released from optimization of tax flows.
"The project is designed to introduce students to the main current tools for managing financial resources in modern conditions," Ekaterina Yalunina, director of the Institute for Continuing Education, said at the meeting.
The event was organized by the Department of Financial Management in cooperation with the Institute for Continuing Education. Public lectures are held for the trainees of the Financial Management refresher program, for students of economic specialties, and for master’s students majoring in Financial and Bank Management.
"In addition to regular lectures on financial management, we also plan to invite professors to deliver one-off lectures on current topics in the field of financial and investment risk management," Elina Zakirova, chair of the USUE Department of Financial Management, says.

April 5, USUE hosted a public lecture delivered by Sergei Sidnev, the Sinara Group chief accountant, and Elena Kondratovich, head of the Sinara Group Department of Accounting and Audit Methodology. The lecture was devoted to tax management.

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