Revitalizing water

USUE scientists have created a drink for athletes, 200 ml of which covers a fifth of the body’s daily need for the most important micronutrients. The development has already been launched into industrial production.

In the body of an athlete, incredible loads can develop a nitrogen imbalance and oxidative stress, which can cause muscle damage.

Head of the USUE Department of Food Engineering, Professor Sergei Tikhonov found a way to quickly restore the body. A new specialized product will help both in adapting to increased physical activity and achieving top results. It will also benefit an average consumer, but in a different dosage.

The development was based on mineral water and a dietary supplement developed by USUE scientists. This dietary supplement includes microelements and bioflavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect, lower blood clotting ability, reduce capillary fragility and permeability, and improve metabolic processes.

As a result, when using the recommended dose of 200 ml of the drink, it covers the average daily intake of iron by 20%, zinc - by 18%, copper - by 16%, manganese - by 24%, silica - by 17%, and flavonoids - by 16% percent.

Experience has shown that all organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the drink stored in a plastic bottle at a temperature of about +25°C and a relative humidity of 75-85% are preserved for more than a year.

The developed drink complies with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 “On Food Safety.” According to GOST 34006-2016, it refers to isotonic drinks for the nutrition of athletes.

USUE scientists have created a drink for athletes, 200 ml of which covers a fifth of the body’s daily need for the most important micronutrients

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