Partners from Azerbaijan State University of Economics are in touch

The co-organizers of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum from Ural State University of Economics and the Azerbaijan State University of Economics met at a videoconference.

The parties agreed that the coordinators from Ural State University of Economics would send the partners a roadmap for joint preparation for EEYF with the dates of the competitions to be held at the international platform at ASUE, and the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, in turn, would provide information about fifteen universities and experts who would participate on its site.

Besides, Roman Krasnov invited the ASUE delegation to visit the final of the forum in Yekaterinburg, which will be held from April 26 to 29, 2022, and the rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Adalat Jalal oghlu Muradov, to take part in the Council of Rectors of economic universities.      

At the end of the meeting, Roman Krasnov thanked ASUE colleagues for their cooperation. “We believe that the forum will be held at the highest level,” said Abbasova Sevinj, head of the Department of Economics at the Russian School of Economics, one of the representatives of the partner university, the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

The co-organizers of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum from Ural State University of Economics and the Azerbaijan State University of Economics met at a videoconference.

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