Pelmeni in Chinese style: USUE celebrated Chinese holiday

The students of Ural State University of Economics celebrated Chinese New Year and made a traditional dish of the holiday — pelmeni (dumplings). The students say that it is not only tasty and satisfying dish but also a symbol of a rich, cheerful and healthy life — both in summer and in winter.

«There is such a sign — if you eat pelmeni in the form of a boat, then you will live high,» Zhèng Jié, a student of the USUE Faculty of Pre-university Training for foreign students, explained, — Therefore, usually the whole family gathers in the morning and makes dumplings, and in the evening everyone sits at a big festive table, watching TV New Year programs, talking, and eating. 

Today, more than 20 foreign students study at Ural State University of Economics. All of them were involved in preparing a festive dish. Four of them minced the meat, mixed it with other ingredients, squeezed the juice, and kneaded the dough. Afterward, all the rest joined them in making dumplings. They were assisted by the head of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Alyona Soboleva.

«Such events unite and help learn the culture of other peoples. For example, we have students not only from China but also from Iraq and Africa. And today they all took part in the Chinese national holiday,» Alyona Soboleva commented.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin congratulated Chinese students on their national holiday, «You are attending a very good event. This is not just a holiday but also an appeal to the cultural origins of a large country. Such a practical exchange of history and traditions should become regular.

It should be noted that the event has been held for the second time. Its organizers plan to arrange similar events not only with students from China but also from other countries.

The students of Ural State University of Economics celebrated Chinese New Year and made a traditional dish of the holiday – pelmeni (dumplings). The students say that it is not only tasty and satisfying dish but also a symbol of a rich, cheerful and healthy life - both in summer and in winter.

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