Chess Federation President re-election at USUE

On International Chess Day, an election meeting of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region was held at USUE. An important issue of the meeting was the election and approval of the president, executive director, vice presidents, and members of the executive committee of the Sverdlovsk Region Chess Federation.

The meeting was attended by Pavel Krekov, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, Leonid Rappoport, Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, Andrey Simanovsky, the founder of Sima-Land and the current President of the Sverdlovsk Region Chess Federation, Albert Stepanyan, Executive Director of the Sverdlovsk Region Chess Federation, Naum Rashkovsky, first Vice President of the Sverdlovsk Region Chess Federation, and USUE Rector Yakov Silin.      

The President of the International Chess Federation Arkady Dvorkovich congratulated the audience via video link: “The Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region has achieved tremendous success: many talents are growing and serious players are developing here. We are glad that we held the FIDE Candidates Tournament in Yekaterinburg, at which a candidate was selected to compete for the World Championship.” 
World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov sent his video message to the audience: “Four years have passed, they flew by very quickly! However, despite the fact that the pandemic took a lot of time and opportunities from us, we still have something to show and to strive for. My congratulations!"

Pavel Krekov thanked the members of the Federation on behalf of the governor: “I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for what has already been done, and indeed a lot has been done. I see this through the example of our educational institutions, health camps, and sports clubs. The popularity of chess is growing! "

USUE Rector Yakov Silin made a welcoming speech: “Our Chess Federation takes a very worthy place. Huge resources, experience and talents are invested in the development of chess in the Sverdlovsk Region. The advantage of all universities, schools, colleges and technical schools here is that there is a combination of interests, good deeds, different people and different structures in one system. And we have got a great result!"

Before the election procedure, the current President of the Sverdlovsk Region Chess Federation, Andrey Simanovsky, made a speech: “In my opinion, the goal of the Federation's development is to possess the Chess crown and find out talented children who will become future chess stars. This is the most important thing for me! "

The participants in the election meeting unanimously voted for the re-election of Andrey Simanovsky to the post of President of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region, and Albert Stepanyan will remain the post of its Executive Director. 

On International Chess Day, an election meeting of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region was held at USUE.

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