The student days are over for IMIT Bachelors

At the ceremony of awarding diplomas and USUE badges, 250 graduates of the Institute of Management and Information Technologies (IMIT) received documents on higher education; among them were the first graduates of the Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics.

“During your four years of study, there have been ups and downs, tears, disappointments, and joys. Together we survived two waves of the pandemic and mastered distance education. Today, in spite of everything, you are graduates - 2021! I hope that this day will always remain in your memory, that you will not lose contact with the University, with teachers, and your fellow-students,"  Professor Dmitry Karkh, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, greeted the graduates.

The director of the Institute of Master’s Courses, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Alla Matveeva, congratulated the graduates and presented USUE Master's programs.

Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, recalled that on 1 September 2017, 325 persons received student ID cardsin the Roman auditoriums of USUE, and only 250 of them made the finish!


Alexander Kokovikhin also conveyed greetings to the graduates from the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs expressing the hope that USUE graduates would join the large army of Ural industry and large enterprises and would hold the positions of specialists in financial and information services for HR management.

At the ceremony of awarding diplomas and USUE badges, 250 graduates of the Institute of Management and Information Technologies (IMIT) received documents on higher education; among them were the first graduates of the Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics.

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