April 3, 2018, at USUE (8 Marta  Str., 62, second-floor hall), there will be the first rehearsal of the dance flashmob "Victory Waltz".   The Patriotic action will traditionally take place on the square in front of the University on May 9. Anyone who feels like it can take part in it.

Master classes  for training waltz movements will be held free of charge by a choreographer. It is necessary to have comfortable indoor shoes and clothes.
In preparation for the action, five rehearsals will be held on 3, 5, 10, 24 April, and 3 May. Meetings will take place from 18:00 to 19:00 or from 19:00 to 20:00 (one can choose any).   The dress rehearsal will be on May 8 from 6 to 7 pm.

Attention!   For those who cannot attend the rehearsals, we recorded a video with basic dance movements.

Learn to dance at home!

April 3, 2018, at USUE (8 Marta Str., 62, second-floor hall), there will be the first rehearsal of the dance flashmob "Victory Waltz". The Patriotic action will traditionally take place on the square in front of the University on May 9. Anyone who feels like it can take part in it.

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