The first specialized scientific and economic conference «MARKETING AND BRANDING — CHALLENGES OF THE 21st CENTURY»

November 7 and 8, at Ural State University of Economics, representatives of scientific and business community of Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Iraq, Bulgaria, and Russia are discussing important aspects and trends of marketing in the digital economy.

The moderator of the plenary session of the conference was Larisa Kapustina, chair of the USUE Department of Marketing and International Management. She presented the co-organizers of the conference and University partners. «This is the first specialized scientific conference on marketing. Right now, we feel the interest from business, students, and science, as many publications are devoted to this subject,» Larisa Kapustina said.

The Plenary session of the conference was opened by USUE Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Elena Dvoryadkina and director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies Alexander Kokovikhin.

«USUE continues research in the field of marketing and branding, it has become one of the most powerful platforms for discussion of these issues. Today it is important to look for new growth areas. I am convinced that today’s ideas will contribute to further development,» Elena Dvoryadkina said.

Aleksandr Kokovihin added that the University takes an active part in research work, «Marketing covers all sectors of economy and all business lines.»

At the meeting, the participants discussed the concept of marketing assets, communication tools on the market, as well as promotion of real estate services. In addition, experts raised the issue of gamification in marketing and found out what kind of games customers prefer to play.

Panel discussions of the conference were devoted to strategic marketing, branding, and advertising in the digital economy, as well as to industry marketing and branding.

The experts discussed the application of innovative technologies in advertising, brand promotion in the competition for the consumer and worked out scientific and practical recommendations for the development of the theory and practice of marketing and branding in the first quarter of the 21st century.

We would like to note that on November 8 there will be a masterclass «How to Find and Use Gaming Fun for Business.» It will be conducted by Elena Isayeva, Doctor of Economics, professor of Dostoevsky Omsk State University, head of the «Architectonics» business school.

November 7 and 8, at Ural State University of Economics, representatives of scientific and business community of Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Iraq, Bulgaria, and Russia are discussing important aspects and trends of marketing in the digital economy.

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