Upavlenets wins first place

The scientific electronic library (elibrary.ru) integrated with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) has published statistics for 2022. 

According to the results of last year, the USUE journal Upravlenets was recognized as the best in two areas at once: “Organization and Management” and “Economics. Economic Sciences”.


“Elibrary.ru keeps track of several ratings, including the two-year RSCI impact factor. It takes into account how many articles published in the journal over the two previous years are cited in other publications this year,” Viktor Blaginin, head of the USUE Department of Scientometrics, Research and Ratings, explains. “They considered the links to journals included in the WoS, Scopus or RSCI databases. Thus, the first place in this ranking means that our Upravlenets has been frequently cited by authoritative Russian journals over the past two years.”

For first place in the area of “Organization and Management,” the journal competed with 93 scientific publications; in the area of “Economics. Economic Sciences” - with 478. In the SCIENCE INDEX ranking in these two areas, over the past year, Upravlenets has moved from 6 to 2 and from 37 to 31 positions, respectively.

Other USUE scientific publications also improved their performance in the elibrary.ru rankings. The Journal of New Economy, published in Russian and English, took the 7th position among 479 scientific periodicals according to the two-year impact factor.

​​​USUE scientific journal Food Industry in the ranking of journals according to the two-year impact factor entered the top three among scientific publications on this topic (in total, they are 41 in 2022).

Ural State University of Economics expresses gratitude to the team of editors, members of the editorial boards, and authors of the journals, without whom achieving such results would not have been possible.

The journal Upravlenets has been recognized as the most cited Russian publication in two scientific areas

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