First results of V REC 

The main attention of the speakers at the V Russian Economic Congress was focused on issues of digitalization and transformation of the domestic economy in the context of new reality.

Director of the Institute for Economic Forecasts under the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the congress program committee, Alexander Shirov, during the final press conference, drew attention to the fact that for the first time the congress was held outside central Russia. This opened up opportunities for personal acquaintance with representatives of regional economic schools.

“At any such events, one of the main tasks is to make new contacts,” said Alexander Shirov. “Different scientific schools study different areas of economics. To be aware of what is happening “on the ground” means to be aware of all modern trends.”

Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co - chairman of the organizing committee, Mikhail Golovnin, also noted that the 5th Russian Economic Congress was held for the first time in mixed offline and online formats.


“We tried to optimize the composition of participants so that at each conference both those who came in person and online speakers were represented,” Mikhail Golovnin said. “In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, we tried the online format for the first time. The current congress, thanks to the excellent technical support of the host country, surpasses all others in terms of the total number of participants except, in fact, the very first one.”

Mikhail Golovnin and a member of the organizing committee, director of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexey Kuznetsov, noted that the main topics presented among over 1000 reports had been transformation and digitalization of the economy.
“Some of the figures announced during the congress have not been published anywhere before. This is the latest data, which has yet to become the subject of scientific analysis,” Alexey Kuznetsov said. “It is worth recognizing that unfriendly countries have made unprecedented efforts to damage our economy. They have partially succeeded. And the more important it becomes to coordinate efforts to resolve emerging problems. This, among other things, was one of the V REC goals.”

The first results of the fifth Russian Economic Congress were summed up by members

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