April 4-5, the St. Petersburg International Economic Congress took place. One of the sections was moderated by Svetlana Pyankova, professor of the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management, deputy of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization VEO of Russia.

The topic of discussion was “Noonomics: a theoretical and practical platform for integrating science and education.” Research staff members from 19 Russian universities and public organizations were participants in the seminar. Dozens of section participants presented reports on creative industries, technological trends in science, building an educational process on the theory of noonomics, and the use of artificial intelligence in education.

“Today we are working with a fundamentally new generation - this is the Z and Alpha generation, brought up under the conditions of digitalization, focused on quickly getting results. And when we talk about youth policy, we should remember that people have changed. There is such a term ‘lost decade’: boys and girls from 20 to 30 years old today believe that responsible, adult life begins after 30, so meanwhile one can have fun and look for one’s place in the world,”  Lyudmila Vavilova, the co-founder of the online educational platform PROUSPEKH for youth says. “When their 30th birthday comes, they suddenly realize that time has been lost, they will have to make up for it: build a career, start a family. I am sure that today it is necessary to explain to young people how important it is not to miss opportunities and to study. I believe that if this knowledge is available to everyone and everywhere, then we will change the course of history in our favor.”

Besides, the meeting participants discussed the training of specialists in tourism and creativity, and talked about involving artificial intelligence in training. And all these topics relate to noonomics - a fundamentally new way of life. The concept of noonomics presupposes the formation of a society for which the satisfaction of spiritual rather than material needs is more important. Since October 2023, the first Noonomics Center in Russia has been operating at Ural State University of Economics.

“The audience for the courses on noonomics is master’s students, civil servants, teachers, and CEOs. There is a positive trend in the number of course participants who have successfully completed the training. Graduates note the high professional level of the teaching staff and the practical significance of the knowledge acquired,” Svetlana Pyankova, deputy head of the Noonomics Research Center, professor of the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management, Doctor of Economics, noted

The IX St. Petersburg International Economic Congress brought together about a thousand economists, historians, and philosophers from Russia, Great Britain, the USA, China, India, Turkey, and Belarus. SPEC’s goal is to study approaches to integration in its broadest sense.

Within the framework of SPEC-2024, scientists discussed what and how to teach young people

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