Preparations for EEYF are gaining momentum

Preparations for the organization and holding of the IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Asia - Russia - Africa: the Economy of Future" is in full swing. At the meeting of the organizing committee, USUE Rector Yakov Silin outlined a vector that the organizers of the event should adhere to.

“USUE is a university that successfully works at the international level. In order to popularize our higher education in the world educational space, we must conduct scientific, creative, and sports events at the highest level and at most attract foreign students to participate in them. Especially those who are willing to pursue science or defend a thesis at our University. It is important for us both to stick to our traditions and to introduce something new," the Rector said.

The desire to participate in the forum, which will be held from April 17 to 20, 2018, has already been confirmed by experts from Harbin and Hanoi universities. It was agreed that the members of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia and leading scientific scientists of Russia would participate as forum experts. Besides, the arrival of officials of a number of consulates and embassies of foreign countries in the Russian Federation is expected.

The program assumes broad participation of high school students from CIS countries: the University prepares to host delegations of students from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and other countries. Now special events are being developed for them: business games and different competitions.

On the eve of the large-scale event, the design of the EEYF website was updated and its functionality was improved. Registration of participants will start on January 25.

During the work of the organizing committee, USUE Rector Yakov Silin also stressed the importance of coverage of all events of the forum. During January-April, key issues of the EEYF will be covered in federal and regional media.

Just now, the members of the organizing committee are working on a number of organizational issues: logistics, transfer, and accommodation of forum participants.

Preparations for the organization and holding of the IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Asia - Russia - Africa: the Economy of Future" is in full swing. At the meeting of the organizing committee, USUE Rector Yakov Silin outlined a vector that the organizers of the event should adhere to.

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