Preparations for the largest EEYF in full swing

At Ural State University of Economics, active preparation for the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum - Russia and the World in New Realities: Changing World Economic Relations - is going on. USUE Vice-rector for social work and chief EEYF coordinator Roman Krasnov held a meeting on the organization of the main youth economic event in the Urals with representatives of structural divisions and USUE Institutes. 

For everyone who would like to take part in the Forum, registration is open on the official website of the event: The XII EEYF will include the work of six thematic congresses: Congress of Economists, Congress of Innovators, Congress of Financiers, Congress of Entrepreneurship and Engineering, Congress of Governance and Law, Congress of Strategists, and Congress of Schoolchildren. For the congresses, 42 competitions of research papers have been prepared, in which schoolchildren, undergraduates, Master’s students, and young scientists from all over the world will take part. 

It is worth reminding that the last EEYF gathered over 5 thousand participants from more than 60 countries. At the Forum, the II rapid chess tournament "Ural Queen" named after A. Karpov will be held. The registration of participants will start on March 1.

The XII EEYF moved far beyond Ural State University of Economics: the regional stage of the Forum will take place at 6 international venues in Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, and Azerbaijan. EEYF coordinators from USUE continuously help co-organizers from foreign partner universities prepare for the Forum.

 The organizers of the XII EEYF are coordinating actions with foreign participants. They are also negotiating with Ambassadors and Consuls of foreign states in Russia on their participation in the Forum. Currently, 14 distinguished guests have given a positive answer. They will attend the events of the Forum and meet with young researchers to talk about the world economy, politics, ecology, and education.  

At Ural State University of Economics, active preparation for the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum - Russia and the World in New Realities: Changing World Economic Relations - is going on.

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