Preparations for XII EEYF start in summer!

May 11, the results of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Russia and the Regions of the World: the Embodiment of Ideas And the Economy of Opportunities” were summed up. USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov made a presentation, outlining the main achievements and the goals of the next annual international event.

EEYF, which long ago received the well-deserved title of "the main youth event of the Urals", in 2021 was held at USUE from April 20 to 23 and gathered more than 5,000 participants from 64 countries and 74 Russian regions, including representatives of 106 universities from Russia and the CIS countries. The special guests of the forum were 19 heads of diplomatic missions of foreign states and 39 representatives of diplomatic corps and 12 consulates. Every year the number and geography of participants of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum are rapidly expanding.

It is becoming clear that an event of such a level requires large areas. At the plenary session of the last EEYF, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Yevgeny Kuyvashev proposed to hold it in 2022 at the Yekaterinburg-EXPO International Exhibition Center. “For the first time in the history of the EEYF, we held an event in two formats at once: face-to-face and online - for representatives of universities from far abroad. This year, our partners were the largest Russian universities: the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, RUDN, MGIMO, Moscow State University, and Pushkin State Russian Language Institute. I would also like to note that the number of CIS-countries universities among the participants exceeded the number of Russian universities, which testifies to the growing international interest in our event,” Roman Krasnov said.

Thanks to the participation of foreign ambassadors in EEYF, USUE contributes to the implementation of the tasks set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the export of education and strengthens its international position. 

May 11, the results of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Russia and the Regions of the World: the Embodiment of Ideas And the Economy of Opportunities” were summed up. USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov made a presentation, outlining the main achievements and the goals of the next annual international event.

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