An agreement between NPO Avtomatiki and USUE expand cooperation prospects

USUE Rector Yakov Silin and General Director of NPO Avtomatiki (Scientific and Production Association of Automatics) Andrey Misura signed a cooperation agreement between the museum-and-exhibition complex of the enterprise and Ural State University of Economics.

USUE became the first university in the country with which the management of a strategically important defense enterprise of Russia has signed an agreement.

The document provides for the organization of joint scientific conferences, roundtables, thematic exhibitions, festivals, competitions, and other projects. Already today, we can say that mutually beneficial cooperation will go beyond the patriotic, cultural, and educational upbringing of the youth.

«A new direction in joint work may be the internship for the best students at the scientific and production association and senior students’ degree theses on practical topics and their assessment both by University professors and by practitioners from the Association. In today’s reality, only the combination of quality education with deep practice would help us prepare a specialist, who is required by modern society,» Yakov Silin said.

According to General Director of NPO Avtomatiki Andrey Misura, the industry also needs personnel who would understand the enterprise’s economy and be well-oriented in nondefense industry. This requires professionals with knowledge in the field of planning, costing, and product cost determination, and with the ability to think in a customer-oriented manner. It is with such professionals that the University can help the enterprise.

After signing the agreement, USUE Rector Yakov Silin left a note in the book of honorable guests. The participants and guests were invited to visit the Museum of Astronautics and Rocket and Space Technology of the enterprise, where unique high-tech control systems for space and marine guided missiles are presented.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin and General Director of NPO Avtomatiki (Scientific and Production Association of Automatics) Andrey Misura signed a cooperation agreement between the museum-and-exhibition complex of the enterprise and Ural State University of Economics.

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