Ural State University of Economics hosted the final show of the Miss USUE - 2022 contest. The most beautiful USUE students danced, presented video self-presentation, cast as the most famous and significant women of the 20th century, and took part in the runway walk.

Of the seven finalists of the contest, the Miss USUE crown was awarded to a third-year student of the Institute of Public Administration and Law, Anastasia Parshutina, who won the Miss Elegance nomination.

The first Vice-Miss USUE - 2022 was a second-year student of the USUE Institute of Public Administration and Law Uliana Dmitrieva, who won the Miss Artistry nomination.

The second Vice-Miss USUE–2022 was a third-year student of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security, Arina Shunailova, who won the Miss Inspiration nomination.

Ekaterina Dozmorova, a second-year student of the USUE Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, won the Miss Perfection nomination. Three USUE students were invited to the second stage of the Miss Yekaterinburg beauty contest.

The title of Miss People’s Choice went to a second-year student of the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance, Ekaterina Rychagova, who won the Miss Fitness nomination. Alina Dolgova, a second-year student of the USUE Institute of Public Administration and Law was the best in the Miss Smile nomination, and Nechitima Chiwaraidzo Lyn, a fourth-year student of the USUE Institute of Public Administration and Law, earned the title of Miss Charm.

Ural State University of Economics hosted the final show of the Miss USUE - 2022 contest.

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