The Student of the Year 2019 Award Summed Up

The results of the regional stage of the Russian national award for students of higher education institutions "Student of the Year 2019" have been summed up.

The award is aimed to identify, support and acknowledge the merits of students of higher educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region who have special achievements in science, creativity, sports, journalism, youth policy, student leadership, and social activities. The training of participants was carried out with the support of the USUE Department of Youth Policy.

The winner from Ural State University of Economics is Azizbek Alizhon Murodullaev ugli (in the category “International Student of the Year”). 

We sincerely congratulate him and wish further self-fulfillment and new victories!  

The results of the regional stage of the Russian national award for students of higher education institutions "Student of the Year 2019" have been summed up.

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