Immersion into profession: government officials tell students about the most important

October 16, 2017, students Ural State University of Economics will meet with Dmitry Nozhenko, head of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg.In addition, he chairs the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration. Dmitry Nozhenko will talk about the development strategy of the district and the skills that a civil servant should have.

The meeting will take place at 13:00 in the events hall of the Leninsky District Administration.Then the students will visit the Administration of Yekaterinburg and cities that make up the Municipality «City of Yekaterinburg», and become acquainted with the committees and departments, offices and organizational structure of the Administration.

The organizer of the meeting was an Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education, Associate Professor at the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration Vladimir Sulimin. According to him, meetings with the heads of districts and employees of local governments provide an opportunity to immerse students in their future profession, to get them interested, to show how local government managers administer the territory and how they work with small businesses in the territory of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region.

We would like to remind, that on October 2, 2017, USUE students majoring in «State and municipal administration» took a tour of the administrative institutions in the city center, visited the office of the President in the Urals Federal District , located on the embankment of the Iset River. The tour was held by the head of Information and Consultation Office at the Mayor’s library Olga Mordvinova and associate professor at the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration Vladimir Sulimin.

October 16, 2017, students Ural State University of Economics will meet with Dmitry Nozhenko, head of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg.In addition, he chairs the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration. Dmitry Nozhenko will talk about the development strategy of the district and the skills that a civil servant should have.

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