The members of the student search group "Honor and Memory" went to the Memory Vigil to the Leningrad region. Our students, along with search teams from other regions, will begin to search for remains of soldiers fallen at the battles of 1939-1940 during the Soviet-Finnish war.

Elena Shusharina, a curator of the USUE Museum, a member of the Honor and Memory group:

"Our group leaves for St. Petersburg and from there we go to Vyborg, then - to the Steklyanny Island: this is a former Finnish territory. In February 1940, there were fights in which the Red Army troops participated. Not long ago, the burials of soldiers were found there. Our task is to recover them and, if possible, to identify their names."    

Taras Marchenko, a member of the Honor and Memory group, a USUE graduate:

 "I joined the group when I was a first-year student and have already been its member for four years. I like to work on a dig. If you find something worthwhile, you are happy! However, you need to know that most often you come across some shards and metalware. Sometimes, you do your utmost but there is no result. Therefore, the most important qualities of a search-party member are patience and perseverance." 

Vladimir Fedoseev, a member of the Honor and Memory group, a USUE second-year student:

"I have joined the group this year. This is my first expedition. I like digging in the ground, working with small details. Unlike archaeologists, we have a rougher work: we are digging. Archaeologists are working more with brushes, doing fine work. The weight of our backpacks is about 25 kg. They are rather big and not easy to carry. We have sets of clothes and tools in them. Each of us is given a shovel and a metal detector.  We are going on an expedition for two weeks: not a short time. "

 Angelica Talipova, a member of the Honor and Memory group, a USUE fourth-year student:

"I'm going on the expedition for the second time. When I went for the first time, I did not know what to be ready for. The hardest thing for me was to blend in the team. Many guys went not for the first time, they knew everything and I was afraid to fail the team. We were taught to work with a metal detector and with a pinpointer, which allows you to find small things in the ground: coins or ornaments."

The Memory Vigil will be held from July 28 to August 13.   We hope that the students will be on a hot streak and will fulfill their mission properly.

The members of the student search group "Honor and Memory" went to the Memory Vigil to the Leningrad region. Our students, along with search teams from other regions, will begin to search for remains of soldiers fallen at the battles of 1939-1940 during the Soviet-Finnish war.

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