Honor and Memory search team participates in the IV Student Memory Watch in Volgograd

From July 15 to August 2, members of the USUE Honor and Memory student search team participate in the IV Student Memory Watch in Volgograd, which brought together students from all over Russia.

Search activities will take place on the territory of the Marinovsky rural settlement of the Kalachevsky district. In January 1943, this place became the key point of the famous Ring operation. Soviet troops surrounded the 6th Army of Field Marshal Paulus in Stalingrad.

On July 17, a grand opening of the Student Memory Watch was held at the Union of Fronts monument in the Volgograd Region.

It is worth reminding that the USUE Honor and Memory student team searches for missing WWII soldiers with their subsequent identification based on their ID tags, belongings, and archival records.
The Museum of USUE History stores some exhibits related to the Great Patriotic War and the participation of faculty members and students in memorable events, as well as the memories of veterans.

From July 15 to August 2, members of the USUE Honor and Memory student search team participate in the IV Student Memory Watch in Volgograd, which brought together students from all over Russia.

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