The Department of Enterprise Economics of Ural State University of Economics celebrates an anniversary! For 50 years, it has been training economists who can professionally solve the complex tasks of business development and systematically manage the business processes of modern enterprises and organizations.

 A roundtable was devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Department which was attended by representatives of the academic community and leading industrial enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region, such as Urals Optical-Mechanical Plant, UMMC, Uralvagonzavod, NPO Avtomatiki, and Ural Locomotives.

The rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, congratulated his colleagues at the core department of Ural State University of Economics on the anniversary, ??“Today we are honoring one of the leading departments of the University. The department predetermines the nature of the tasks to be carried out for training major specialists with higher education. As a foundation, it provides University-wide activities. Under modern, constantly changing conditions, the Department finds its niche, and its specialists are much-in-demand in industries, in the real sector of the economy, and central and local authorities.”

Today, the Department of Enterprise Economics is one of the basic units of Ural State University of Economics in the field of organization and management of enterprises. The department employs more than 30 professors and lecturers-experts in various spheres of economics and enterprise management

The Department of Enterprise Economics of Ural State University of Economics celebrates an anniversary! For 50 years, it has been training economists who can professionally solve the complex tasks of business development and systematically manage the business processes of modern enterprises and organizations.

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