Half a century of the University history: it is a family business to open universities

USUE Museum section "Half a Century of the University History". Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to museum@usue.ru

June 15, 1916 in Moscow, in the family of Mikhail Abramovich Gotlober, a graduate of the economic faculty of the University of Leipzig, a son Valentin was born. The Gotlobors would soon move to the south of the country, to Rostov-on-Don, where Mikhail Abramovich became one of originators of the Rostov Institute of Railway Engineers. Half a century later, in the Urals, his son Valentin Gotlober both created the Ural economic school and headed SINH (today's USUE).

Photo: USUE Museum

Рубрика музея УрГЭУ «Полвека истории университета». Каждую пятницу вас ждут архивные фотографии, на которых вы увидите жизнь вуза и погрузитесь в атмосферу прошлых лет. Если вы узнали себя или своих знакомых, напишите нам museum@usue.ru.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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