Half a century of the University history: New Institute will appear

USUE Museum section «Half a Century of the University History». Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to museum@usue.ru

In autumn 1967, Vecherniy Sverdlovsk newspaper published a picture of the project proposal for the reconstruction of the central streets’ intersection: Kuibyshev Street and 8 Marta Street. To the left, there is the building of a future circus. An academic building of future USUE will be built opposite it. The new academic building was designed by the specialists of Uralgiprotrans.

USUE Museum section «Half a Century of the University History». Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to museum@usue.ru

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