On December 21, 2019, in the dissertation council D 212.287.02 (technical sciences) at the Ural State Economic University, theses of Victoria Vyacheslavovna Gomboeva were defended on the topic “Commodity and technological characteristics of the meat of foals of the Yakut breed” and Vladislav Mikhailovich Tiunov on the topic “Formation of the quality of flour culinary gluten-free flour products and a diet based on them. ”

The work of Victoria V. Gomboeva was presented for the degree of candidate of technical Sciences in the specialty 05.18.15-Technology and merchandising of functional and specialized food products and public catering. The work was carried out in the Autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education of the Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of consumer cooperation" (Sibupk). The scientific supervisor was kand. tech. associate Professor Dmitry Plotnikov. 

The dissertation of Vladislav Mikhailovich Tiunov, an employee of USUE, was submitted for the degree of candidate of technical Sciences in the specialty 05.18.15-Technology and merchandising of functional and specialized food products and public catering. The scientific supervisor was Dr. tehn. Professor, head of the Department of food technology USUE Olga Viktorovna Chugunova.??

On December 21, 2019, in the dissertation council D 212.287.02 (technical sciences) at the Ural State Economic University, theses of Victoria Vyacheslavovna Gomboeva were defended on the topic “Commodity and technological characteristics of the meat of foals of the Yakut breed” and Vladislav Mikhailovich Tiunov on the topic “Formation of the quality of flour culinary gluten-free flour products and a diet based on them."

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