The cosmonaut of Roscosmos, Hero of Russia Anatoly Ivanishin sends greetings to USUE staff and students directly from Soyuz MS-16 crewed spacecraft wishing them success and new achievements.

The Soyuz-2.1a rocket with Soyuz MS-16 crewed spacecraft was launched from Baikonur on April 9, 2020. The crew will spend 196 days in orbit. The flight program includes more than 50 scientific studies and experiments.

USUE is following the flight with great excitement because the crew commander Anatoly Ivanishin is a longtime friend of the University. The cosmonaut visited USUE twice participating in the project “Heroes Among Us” and met with students. Anatoly Alekseevich has higher economic education with a degree in Applied Informatics in Economics. At a meeting with students in October 2018, he confessed that it was hardly possible for him to go to space again. Therefore, having learned that Anatoly Ivanishin was in the orbit for the third time, the student activists decided to send him a video message with words of encouragement and pride in him.

In June, USUE rector Yakov Silin, the chairman of the students’ trade union committee Artem Afanasyev, and the chairperson of the Joint Council of Students Ksenia Kvashnina recorded a video greeting that was sent to Roscosmos.

Yesterday, July 13, USUE received an answer signed by the head of the press service of Roscosmos V.Y. Ustimenko, which stated that Anatoly Ivanishin had received a video address from students.

Besides, the return letter states: “А Roscosmos Cosmonaut A.A. Ivanishin is very grateful to the USUE staff for warm encouraging words addressed to him and, on his part, he wishes success and new achievements to the University staff and students. After the flight, Anatoly Alekseevich would be glad to visit the University again at his earliest convenience.

Video address:

The cosmonaut of Roscosmos, Hero of Russia Anatoly Ivanishin sends greetings to USUE staff and students directly from Soyuz MS-16 crewed spacecraft wishing them success and new achievements.

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