Let's build Russian tricolor together!

Ural State University of Economics is organizing the Victory Waltz action for the seventh time, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

This year, our action will take place in two formats: a video clip festival and a dance flashmob. Students, schoolchildren, Young Army cadets, members of patriotic clubs, and ordinary citizens can dance the Waltz on May 9 on the square in front of USUE. The gathering of action participants starts at 11 o'clock.

The White Dove of Peace is the symbol of the Victory Waltz. Before the start of Victory Waltz, everyone will be able to leave his/her autograph as a pigeon feather, placing it on a beautiful object d’art - Dove of Peace. The flashmob will start at 11.30 a.m. 

The main musical composition of the action will be Sevastopol Waltz, which was popular in those years. In 2021, USUE dedicates the Waltz to Crimea and strengthening friendly relations between Crimea and Ural State University of Economics.

At the end of the flashmob, its participants in white shirts and blouses will compose a Russian tricolored flag, which will be “painted” with white, blue, and red scarves,” Alla Yavorskaya, director of the USUE House of Culture, said.

More than 600 participants have joined the Victory Waltz action in an online format.

Ural State University of Economics is organizing the Victory Waltz action for the seventh time, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

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