Build a career - go to USUE!

Since June 20, the admissions committee of the Ural State University of Economics has been accepting applications from applicants. This year there are several important innovations that need to be taken into account when applying to the university. You can learn more about innovations and navigation on the university website HERE.

Why do applicants choose USUE? They will talk about it themselves.

Safuilla Sediki came to Russia from Afghanistan. He studied the Russian language and history of Russia for a year at the preparatory faculty of the Ural State University of Economics and now intends to enroll in a master's program in the direction of "Economics". Safuilla comes from a large family, having received a master's degree, he plans to become a bank employee. According to Safuilla, the clerk's salary is enough to not only provide for himself, but also for four brothers and sisters.

“I already worked in a bank when I lived in Afghanistan,” says the applicant. - Living there is not easy. And I am grateful to Russia, which gave me the opportunity to get a good education in order to build a career and receive a decent salary.”

Oloruanmota Godsdelight Monimomo, or Delight as his friends call him, came from Nigeria to learn how to code. He devoted the past academic year to studying the Russian language at the Preparatory Faculty of the USUE, and now he is applying for a bachelor's degree at the Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security.

“My friend from Nigeria, who had studied here before, told me about USUE,” says Delight. — Education in Russia is quite affordable. And, unlike in Nigeria, if the program states that the training lasts four years, then it will last four years, not five or six. I will also recommend my friends to come here.”

The nineteen-year-old young man does not yet know whether he will remain in Russia after graduation or return to his homeland. In general, he is sure that an IT specialist lives well everywhere, however, only a highly qualified one, which means a holder of a USUE bachelor's degree.

A graduate of one of the schools in Yekaterinburg, Stepan Galashov, applied for a bachelor's degree in the direction of training "Management". He is interested in business management. Stepan already has some experience in entrepreneurship, he helps his friend with the supply of goods from Asia.

“Doing business is very interesting. For example, my friend (he is a little older than me) invested 20 thousand rubles in the project, the costs paid off in a month, and now the project is making a profit. So far I am only helping him, but I need education in order to understand in detail how to manage an enterprise, my own business. Where to go for knowledge, if not to the University of Economics? I also have friends studying here, so the choice of a university is obvious.”

Abdelgavad Asmaa, from Egypt, was educated as a psychologist in her homeland, but she realized that she was closer to the field of international relations: “I really like the International Management profile, and therefore I enter USUE to become a good specialist with a profession in demand. I have one bachelor's degree, I hope I will get a second one.

Arina Shcheglova arrived in the Ural capital from Kirovgrad five years ago. The girl graduated from the Yekaterinburg Assembly College, where she received the profession of a cadastral engineer, and now she decided to change her profile quite abruptly: “I chose the Computer Science direction for myself, because it is very popular and progressive. I would like to connect my career with the field of programming. At the junction of my current and future professions, 3D modeling is also a very interesting direction! I will enter the bachelor's program at the correspondence department, because I already work and pay a lot of attention to professional self-development.”

The triplets Anna, Sofya and Elizaveta Loshakov, graduates of Yekaterinburg School No. 61, are applying to the USUE bachelor's program for full-time education. Anya enters the direction of "Economics" (Institute of Economics and Finance) - she wants to become an auditor. Sofia plans to become a marketer and promote her own company. To do this, she needs education in the direction of training "Management" (Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering). And Lisa enters the "State and Municipal Administration" (Institute of State, Municipal Administration and Law) to make a career as a municipal employee.

“At school, my sisters and I liked economics,” Anya explains. — In the lessons we developed a business plan for the sale of baby food. But at the university we will study in different directions. I think this is right - each of us has our own goals, our own dreams, and each of us has our own path.

Stanislav Tenyushov, a graduate of one of the Ekaterinburg schools, is determined to get a higher education. The young man applied for the direction of "Hospitality". Stanislav hopes to enter the "budget":

“I don’t have the results of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language yet, the data has not yet arrived, so I’m a little worried about whether there will be enough points for admission. And I consider the hotel business to be a very promising area: our country is large, beautiful, and I would also like to travel in comfort. Perhaps one day I will have a chain of world-class hotels.”

Maria Guryanova works as a senior nurse in the pediatric department at one of the children's hospitals in Yekaterinburg. The girl applied for the profile of training "Health Economics". Learning will be in absentia.

“There is a stereotype that the work of a nurse is a thankless job that does not require high qualifications. But it’s not like that,” Maria says. This work is not only difficult, but also responsible. You need to constantly keep a lot of things in your head, be organized and competent. And I'm going to university to discover new sides of my profession."

Polina Paukova works in one of the visa centers in Yekaterinburg, she applied for a bachelor's degree, indicating that she wants to study "Marketing and Advertising" from the 2nd year. Polina chose part-time education for herself in order to study and work at the same time: “We cooperate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We keep records of foreigners coming to the Sverdlovsk region. A lot of young people purposefully go to Yekaterinburg to get an education, including at USUE, so the name of the university is well-known, - the girl explains. - I considered different options and chose the Ural State University of Economics for myself. I am satisfied with the terms of training, the form of training. I am sure that I will get a quality education.”


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