Mikhail Gorshkov, a member of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, assessed the university's preparation for IX EEYF and told about the cooperation with USUE.

About IX Eurasian Forum  

For me, it is unexpected how one university can hold such a large-scale event. I participated at other events organized by other major universities. The potential is so different. For myself, I explain this by the fact that this is a human factor in action.

I spend all three days in Yekaterinburg at the University. And I see with my own eyes how the desire, interest and abilities of people are launched for this good cause, which is very important not only for youth, but also within the international scale. I do imagine to what extent this forum has become aprestigious event not only for Yekaterinburg but also for the whole country.

I promised Yakov Silin to think over options for possible support in conducting next forums. I think this will be very useful for the Academy of Sciences, especially since young people are actively involved in this forum. I am sure that we will find such forms of interaction and support of forums to come. Moreover, the next forum will be a round anniversary - the tenth. And the participation of the RAS in it will be important and useful.

About cooperation with USUE

The potential of each other can be mutually beneficial. We have recently created a federal sociological center at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Center is based on a number of economic institutes having a sociological orientation in their research. In the near future, we will expand. Some other economic institutes will be included in the structure of our center.

We have already discussed with the USUE rector the idea to create   a federal sociological network of an academic level. There are interviewer networks, but they are either commercial or semi-commercial. We are interested in the academic component that allows us to look deep into society, see the mechanisms of interaction, how the institutions of civil society work, what value orientations are in different population groups: among young people, among the middle and older generations. On this basis, we can build business relations.

The more active the results of scientific research will be introduced into the general educational process, the more this process will be interesting for a student. The Rector gave his consent to the creation of the Ural branch of the network with the support of the University and the team of researchers, including the Department of Sociology.


Mikhail Gorshkov, a member of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, assessed the university's preparation for IX EEYF and told about the cooperation with USUE.

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