Consumer, please know your rights!

USUE hosted a lecture-seminar for students «Consumer, Please Know Your Rights!» The event is timed to the World Consumer Rights Day, which is celebrated on March 15.

The students were told about the main principles of the law «On protection of consumers’ rights» and explained how to properly defend their rights in specific life situations. The guests of the meeting were reminded of the basic rights of consumers: the right to security, quality, information, choice, and the right to be heard.

«Every person should know their rights. We are talking about our University, about training specialists. I would like to ask you to think about this topic, because this, in particular, you will have to do in life,» the USUE Rector Yakov Silin welcomed the participants.
Vera Solovieva, director of the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, added, «Many violations occur because a consumer does not know even the fundamentals of the law «On the Protection of Consumer Rights».

In case of violation of consumer rights of students, the representatives of the Yekaterinburg Municipal Consumer Protection Center offered to apply for help to them. The qualified lawyers with many years of practice help protect the rights at all stages, from verbal advice to the representation of interests in the court.

«Every minute we and you are all consumers. There is no such a moment in our life when we do not consume this or that. And this means that there is no such moment when you are not the bearer of any rights,» Yanina Golubeva, director of Yekaterinburg Municipal Consumer Protection Center, says
In 2018, the Yekaterinburg Municipal Consumer Protection Center checked over 200 trade and public catering enterprises in the Sverdlovsk Region and identified more than 500 violations. The information about the inspections is provided on the institution’s website.

At the meeting, the partners of the event were awarded. Some souvenirs were presented to Darya Petrachuk, brand manager at Conditer Profi, and Yanina Golubeva, director of Yekaterinburg Municipal Consumer Protection Center.

After the lecture, the partners held a candies tasting produced by Conditer Profi. Everyone could take photos in the Photo Zone. In conclusion, there was a quiz for students on the knowledge of consumer rights and the most active of them received prizes.

USUE hosted a lecture-seminar for students «Consumer, Please Know Your Rights!» The event is timed to the World Consumer Rights Day, which is celebrated on March 15.

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