Congratulation of the rector of USUU Yakov Silin Happy New Year

The outgoing year will be remembered by everyone in their own way: professional achievements, sports results, events of personal or family life. For a whole year, each of us made efforts to make our plans possible. Thanks to the dedication, support of colleagues, family and friends, we have reason to be proud of ourselves. Speaking of which, I mean our overall University success.

The number of students of our University shows stability, geography of incoming students is expanding, graduates of USUE head the best enterprises in the region, and academic staff have deserved authority and recognition of scientific and educational community.

According to the employers, our University, is one of the leading educational centers in the region for the training of economists and managers with a classical higher education.
In 2019, our full-time bachelor's degree programs admitted 15 percent more students than in the past, and the number of countries represented by students has increased to 56.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, the University held more than 60 scientific and research events, including 6 major conferences and forums.

One of the most important events was the anniversary X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. This is a major event that simultaneously demonstrates the achievements of modern economic thought, the willingness of young people to implement their knowledge and ideas in the real economy and the strength of friendly relations between russian and foreign universities.

Over the past year, USUE has increased the amount of implementation of funded research works. In 2019, the University scientists won 18 grants, the funds of which were used for the implementation of research on trending topics, concluded more than 100 research contracts with enterprises. Over the past year, our researchers, academic staff have prepared 1953 scientific publications, almost half of which are articles in the journals of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, Web of Science and Scopus. This means that authority and influence of our scientists are growing.
As part of the Russian education export trend, I should mention the VIII all-Russian Congress of the Association of Iinternational Students of Russia, host by USUE, which goals include constructive discussion, dialogue and search for solutions to problems related to the training and adaptation of foreign students in Russia, strengthening intercultural dialogue, popularization of the history and culture of Russia among foreign students.

Technology does not stand still, education via home computers and smartphones is around the corner. Our University already uses distance learning methods. USUE students living in different parts of the country have the opportunity to study via the educational portal "Virtual educational environment". Educational and methodical literature and all necessary materials are received by students in a digital form. Examinations, tests, term papers defence are carried out via videoconference. In 2019, 37 USUE territorial access centers were functioning, including newly opened in the Republic of Crimea, Magadan, Verkhnyaya Sergakh, Kushva, Nyagan, Berezniki, Solikamsk.

To the clinking of New Year glasses, I thank everyone who supported and inspired us, worked responsibly and studied. It is important to take only bright happy memories and preserve the best days of outgoing year in the upcoming New Year. Let the plans be carried out in 2020, and let your life be full of bright and joyful days!

Sincerely, Rector of USUE, Yakov Silin

Dear colleagues, veterans and students of Ural State University of Economics! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

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