Congratulations in the form of scientific readings

Today, a true professional, a man of science, professor at the Department of Financial Markets and Banking, Doctor of Economics Viktor Ivanitsky celebrates his 80th anniversary.

"A theorist and practitioner who worked at universities and at public authorities. A man who defended his thesis at the age of 33. For those times, it was exclusive," USUE Rector Yakov Silin said.

Under the guidance of Viktor Ivanitsky, the University opened postgraduate and doctoral schools in all scientific fields of economics and postgraduate studies in a number of other scientific areas, where more than 300 postgraduates and external Ph.D. students, and dozens of doctoral students were trained annually. Today, as part of congratulatory scientific readings, his colleagues, many of them being students of Viktor Pavlovich, noted his great contribution to the development of the University and the training of specialists.

"Viktor Pavlovich Ivanitsky is a long-time scientific brand," Yevgeny Popov, one of the reading participants, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, finished his report.

Today, a true professional, a man of science, professor at the Department of Financial Markets and Banking, Doctor of Economics Viktor Ivanitsky celebrates his 80th anniversary.

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