Congratulations to Sergey Uporov on his appointment to the post of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Complex at USMU

Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

Please accept our sincere congratulations in connection with your appointment to the post of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Complex of the Ural State Mining University!

Working at Ural State University of Economics, you showed your professional experience, energy, managerial talent and organizational skills. We believe that your talents will allow you to attain significant achievements at this high and responsible post. You have a large-scale work to do, and you, being an experienced and competent leader, will successfully cope with all the tasks.

We wish you success in your new position!

Yours faithfully,

USUE teachers, employees and students

Dear Sergey Alexandrovich! Please accept our sincere congratulations in connection with your appointment to the post of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Complex of the Ural State Mining University!

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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