A feast of initiative, science and action is open!

The XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities", which brought together more than 5500 participants from 74 regions of Russia and 64 countries of the world, was declared open by Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics.

At the plenary session of the youth forum, which began immediately after the opening ceremony, the first to greet the participants was Prof. Yakov Silin, the President of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, rector of Ural State University of Economics. 

He emphasized that the forum was being held in Yekaterinburg, the center of the Urals - a huge powerful macro-region. “To a large extent, it is Eurasianism that shapes the values ​​of East and West and promotes the dialogue between the cultures of European and Asian countries. It is symbolic that it was Yekaterinburg and Ural State University of Economics that in 2010 became a kind of center of the forum, which today has acquired a major international scale,” he said congratulating the participants on the feast of initiative, science, and action.

The Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Yevgeny Kuyvashev, addressing the audience, spoke about the attractiveness of the forum, the expansion of its geography and noted that the forum deserves a more convenient and comfortable platform and assured that next year EEYF would be held in conditions that would allow for a bigger number of participants. 

The President of the VEO of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, and Director of the Witte Institute for New Industrial Development, Sergey Bodrunov, greeted the forum through video. He called the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum a unique discussion platform for speaking on hot issues of national and world economic and social development involving the academic community, leading experts, public officials, and young scientists. 

The honored guests wished the young participants of the forum the realization of their goals and objectives, vivid impressions, interesting meetings, new ideas and success in all endeavors, constructive solutions, and productive networking.

The plenary session continued with the presentations of speakers. Many important topics were proposed, and each of them requires detailed discussion and a joint study by specialists from different universities. By sharing experiences and ideas, creating collaborations, educating each other, students, educators, executives, politicians, public figures, and opinion shapers from around the world can work together to transform an economy of opportunities into an economy of reality.

The XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities", which brought together more than 5500 participants from 74 regions of Russia and 64 countries of the world, was declared open by Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics.

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