April 12, 2017. Chairman of the USUE Council of Young Scientists took part in the XIII scientific and industrial forum Technical Re-Equipment of Machine-Building Enterprises of Russia

April 12, 2017. Chairman of the USUE Council of Young Scientists took part in the XIII scientific and industrial forum "Technical Re-Equipment of Machine-Building Enterprises of Russia".

Forum   "Technical Re-equipment of Machine-Building Enterprises of Russia" has already become a good tradition of Yekaterinburg.   Annually, starting from 2006, it is attended by companies from the CIS and foreign countries: leaders of global machine tool building and metalworking, as well as company-producers and suppliers of domestic equipment and tools.

Since the very morning of April 12, the Ural Center for Design Development ran a discussion platform for members of youth organizations, where everyone could share their work experience. The moderator of the section "Youth Policy" was Mikhail Degtyarev, chairperson of the Commission on Youth Policy of the Russian Engineering Union and the chief specialist of NPO Avtomatiki named after  N.A. Semikhatov. A lively discussion was prompted by the report of the chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova "Education and Economy: Modern Realities or Trends in Continuing Education: Realities and Challenges ".

Within the Forum, from 11 to 13 April 2017, there were scientific and practical conferences, seminars,  and roundtables on technical re-equipment and modernization of production, application of modern metal processing technologies and high-tech equipment, robotics, new materials for the production of innovative products, increasing energy efficiency and resource-saving, and  introduction of scientific and technical developments of academic, university and sectoral  science into the real sector of the economy, the study of the possibilities of small businesses to participate in technical re-equipment programs   and import substitution.

Another important feature of the forum and exhibition is the raising of engineering and creative potential of the youth and attraction of senior university and technical schools students to practical studying of modern metalworking technologies.

April 12, 2017. Chairman of the USUE Council of Young Scientists took part in the XIII scientific and industrial forum "Technical Re-Equipment of Machine-Building Enterprises of Russia".

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