USUE representatives discussed the issues of development and testing of professional standards in the field of HR management with Moscow experts

Hi-Tech, which is held in the year of the 50th anniversary of USUE, the IV International scientific-practical conference "Staffing of Regional Economy" devoted to  "Present and future of professional community in the field of HR management" has started.

The organizers of the conference were Ural State University of Economics (Department of Labor Economics and HR Management), Ministry of Economics and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk region, Association of HR Managers, and Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The participants of the event outlined the main task: the development of a professional qualifications system, including the preparation and implementation of professional standards in the regions, and identified the ways of development in this direction. Professional standard "Specialist in labor economics", which aims to ensure staffing needs in the labor market and the formation of HR team under an employer's request, gave rise to an extensive discussion. It is directly related to the growth in labor productivity and labor efficiency in the country. It should be noted that this conference was held with the support of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the field of personnel management, whose representatives took an active part in the event.

“An invaluable practical use and high professional results in the development of the professional standards "Specialist in labor economics " was brought by  our colleagues from Yekaterinburg, in particular, Ural State University of Economics  and Association of  HR Managers,” Valentina Mitrofanova, deputy chairman of the Council for Vocational Qualifications in HR Management (Moscow), said. She handed letters of gratitude to the Urals experts, including USUE representatives.

The key moment in the course of the event was the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the Association of HR Managers and the Council for Professional Qualifications in Personnel Management under the Presidential National Council for Professional Qualifications. On behalf of the Association, the Agreement was signed by Dolzhenko Svetlana, President of the Association and head of the  Human Resources Department. As Svetlana Borisovna noted, "Such an agreement for the first time is signed with the professional community and this is very valuable for our region! The document envisages joint work on further development of the qualification system and implementation of professional standards in the field of personnel management of enterprises and organizations of the Sverdlovsk region. Besides, in the near future, it is planned to sign an agreement with Ural State University of Economics, the most active participants among Russian universities in the development of a system of professional qualifications in the field of personnel management."

Hi-Tech, which is held in the year of the 50th anniversary of USUE, the IV International scientific-practical conference "Staffing of Regional Economy" devoted to "Present and future of professional community in the field of HR management" has started.

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