Governor’s Award

January 25, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, granted the 2022-year-end awards to the best university faculty members in the region. It traditionally times the award ceremony to the Day of Russian Students.

In Yekaterinburg, in the Sevastyanov’s House, there gathered representatives of such major educational institutions in the Ural as USUE, UrFU, Agrarian, Medical, Pedagogical, and other universities. Yevgeny Kuyvashev, Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, noted that our universities were implementing educational programs focused on both the economy of today and also of tomorrow. Support for higher education is one of the priorities of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region. There are several programs to increase the accessibility of higher education and create comfortable conditions for students.

“We support young scientists, postgraduate students and, of course, their teachers. Each of you contributes hugely to the development of the intellectual potential of the region. You encourage young people to explore the world and be creative, teach students to set challenges and find solutions, administer to educate responsible and active citizens, and help preserve traditions and culture. I wish you good health, professional success and talented students!” the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region said.

In a festive atmosphere, Yevgeny Kuyvashev presented prizes to professors, associate professors, and teachers recognized as the best in various fields of science: humanitarian, technical, and natural ones. The honorary prize is awarded annually for a significant contribution to confirming the reputation of the Ural higher school and training valuable specialists for the regional economy. It is also a measure of material support for teachers. Besides, there is an award “For special merits in the development of higher education in the Sverdlovsk region”.

This year, 13 laureates were chosen from several dozen applicants. Among them are scientists from Ural State University of Economics.

Olga Chugunova, head of the USUE Department of Food Technology, became Professor of the Year in technical sciences: “Victory is always a joy and pride for the high appreciation of the works that we have come to over the years together with faculty members and students. For an economic university, an award in technical sciences is a serious recognition of the level. Thanks to the leadership of the university, we have conditions for development: a unified laboratory complex, financial and moral support for academic staff. And we will not stop there and will not lower the bar!”

Deputy Director of the USUE Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, Vladimir Lazarev, was named Associate Professor of the Year: “Ten years ago, as a postgraduate student, I received an award from the hands of Yevgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev in the Minuta Technoslavy (A Minute of Techno Glory) project at the INNOPROM exhibition. By now, I was conferred with a of candidate of technical sciences degree, became an assistant professor, and teach by myself. This award is an indicator that I am on the right way and that I provide benefit. I am happy to do science together with excellent mentors: Olga Viktorovna Chugunova and Sergey Leonidovich Tikhonov. And I express my gratitude to the rector Yakov Petrovich Silin for the systematic support of our work!”

On behalf of the Council of Rectors of the Sverdlovsk region, USUE rector Yakov Silin congratulated the laureates of the Governor’s awards: “Our region has one of the largest number of universities per person in Russia. There is a special concentration of economy, a powerful production potential, and rich intellectual resource here. The future of our great power is based on knowledge and people. I bow low to my colleagues; I congratulate you and wish you new achievements!”

January 25, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, granted the 2022-year-end awards to the best university faculty members in the region

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