Academic staff of USUE is ready to bring Ural defense industry to a new level

Cooperation between enterprises of the defense industry and universities of the Urals should become as practical as possible in terms of training specialists of nondefense occupations. Not only students but also university professors will undertake practical training at defense industry enterprises. This was reported today at a press conference by Director General of NPO Automatics Andrei Misura and Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin.

"Today, at the defense industry enterprises there is no shortage of technical specialists. However, there are not enough specialists who understand planning, risk assessment in state defense order, and project management. The situation can be changed, first of all, by re-adjusting people's thinking to the commercialization of products. This problem especially is important within the meaning of the President instructions on the need to increase the proportion of civil output at enterprises of military-industrial complex (MIC)," A. Misyura said.

Yakov Silin noted that the University is already solving this task and personnel for defense enterprises will be trained with an emphasis on the practical component. At least 20% of university teachers in the main areas of training are practitioners.

"In order specialists could launch a spacecraft, they have to be taught. Therefore, in our University, we raise enhanced demands to USUE faculty members. At the moment, a number of plants belonging to the Union of Defense Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region, have set us a task to train specific specialists. As for NPO Automatics, we have agreed that our teachers would be trained at the enterprise to better understand production process from inside, and could train necessary specialists for the plant," USUE Rector Yakov Silin said at a press conference at  the TASS Ural regional information center.

It should be reminded that on November 2 an agreement on cooperation was signed between the university and NPO Automatics, which provides for holding joint scientific conferences, roundtables, organization of thematic exhibitions, festivals, and competitions, and other projects. Practitioners of Yekaterinburg enterprises of Roskosmos - NPO Automatics - will evaluate the degree works of USUE graduates, and the university will arrange a specialized course of retraining for plant employees. This was agreed on Thursday between NPOA CEO Andrei Misura and USUE Rector Yakov Silin at the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the company and the university. This was reported by the NPO Public Relations Department.

Cooperation between enterprises of the defense industry and universities of the Urals should become as practical as possible in terms of training specialists of nondefense occupations. Not only students but also university professors will undertake practical training at defense industry enterprises. This was reported today at a press conference by Director General of NPO Automatics Andrei Misura and Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin.

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