USUE teachers received letters of thanks from the Head of Yekaterinburg Administration

Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration of Ural State University of Economics, Natalia Vlasova and the chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, Associate Professor at the Department of Public and Municipal Administration Olga Ergunova were awarded letters of thanks of the head of Yekaterinburg Administration A. Yakob for organizing the work of the sections at the All-Russian forum "Cities of Russia 2030: Crossroads of Opportunities". The forum was held on November 15-16, 2017 at the Yeltsin Center.

About 1000 people from 84 municipalities of 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including 60 heads of municipalities and chairpersons of city dumas, took part in the forum. The forum gathered members of the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and the heads of Urals Federal District’s regions. The forum was held to work out a common vision of the urban development vector of all participants in the process: representatives of government, business, the public, and science.

In the signed resolution on the results of the All-Russia Forum for Strategic Development "Cities of Russia 2030: Crossroads of Opportunities", it was decided to hold an annual international competition of projects of students, postgraduates, and young scientists in the field of urban development and improving the quality of urban environment.

The contest was initiated by the USUE Council of Young Scientists this spring. The organizing committee of the contest received more than 80 projects in the field of urban development from 13 cities of Russia and four countries, including Peru, Kazakhstan, China, and Belarus. Experts from leading universities of the country, officials of municipal authorities and public organizations selected 12 finalists for the contest. The awarding ceremony was held under the section "Youth View and Participation in the City's Development Strategy" moderated by Olga Ergunova.

Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration of Ural State University of Economics, Natalia Vlasova and the chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, Associate Professor at the Department of Public and Municipal Administration Olga Ergunova were awarded letters of thanks of the head of Yekaterinburg Administration A. Yakob for organizing the work of the sections at the All-Russian forum "Cities of Russia 2030: Crossroads of Opportunities". The forum was held on November 15-16, 2017 at the Yeltsin Center.

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