Classes will be! USUE teachers are being vaccinated!

Before the academic year starts, at Ural State University of Economics, a coronavirus shot station was deployed. The opportunity to get vaccinated and protect themselves and their loved ones was seized both by students and teachers.

- I got coronavirus vaccination back in March, now I decided that it was necessary to get jabbed before a new academic year. The virus is dangerous, but, at least, not so scary with vaccination, Nikolai Kruglikov, a lecturer at the Department of Food Technologies and Services, comments.

Those who have high antibody titer in blood also did not miss a chance to get vaccinated within the walls of the University.

|It is worth reminding that on August 19 and 26, students and staff will be able to get vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine, and on August 24 and 31, at USUE, it is possible to be vaccinated against coronavirus with the Sputnik Light, but we would like to note that this vaccine is for persons aged 18 to 60 years.

To get an appointment for vaccination, you need to fill out an electronic form and send it to

Please bring with you to your appointment a photocopy of your passport, medical insurance policy, SNILS (Individual Insurance Account Number), a completed application form, and consent to your personal data processing. If a student copies a passport, medical insurance policy, and SNILS on his own, the consent to the processing of data and the questionnaire will be sent to the student's e-mail..

Before the academic year starts, at Ural State University of Economics, a coronavirus shot station was deployed.

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