We are moving victory nearer!

Ural State University of Economics continues to send humanitarian aid to the special military operation zone. This time, petrol-driven power saw, an ax, and warm clothes are making their way to the Lugansk People’s Republic.

The relief consignment was gathered within a month. Both students and teachers brought things. They delivered what was now needed at the front. Fighters need a petrol-driven chainsaw and an ax to build temporary shelters, and new sets of thermal underwear will protect them from the winter cold.

 “We care what happens on the borders of the country. Donbass is part of our homeland, and we want to help soldiers and civilians. By sending humanitarian aid, we support the fighters, express our support for the soldiers and officers and our confidence in an imminent victory!” said Ariana Oberzeiser, a member of the student service brigade Servium.

The giving campaign is taking place as part of an inter-university action organized by the regional branch of the People’s Front. Its participants are eight universities, including USUE.

“USUE students took the initiative and raised funds for a saw, a much-needed thing on the front line. With its help, fighters who defend the borders of the Lugansk People’s Republic will build dugouts. We plan to deliver it to the front by Volunteer Day, which is celebrated in Russia on December 5. It’s gratifying that the Ural youth understands that we are sharing in a common cause, and for success it is necessary to unite,” Anatoly Karmanov, coordinator for project and expert work of the People’s Front of the Sverdlovsk region, emphasized.

For a year and a half now, the USUE Office for Social Work has run a headquarters for receiving humanitarian supplies. Over the entire period, the university collected 6.2 tons of cargo. The largest shipment to Donbass is a UAZ-462 off-roader for doctors. The car has already arrived in the SMO zone.

USUE sent warm clothes and tools to the SMO zone

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