Students of the Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the Ural state economic faculty got acquainted with the traditions of the new year celebration. The festive event was held at the USUE house of culture and brought together young people from 32 countries.

Vice rector for social work of USUE Roman Krasnov congratulated the students on the upcoming holiday and thanked the teachers and staff of the faculty for their work and invaluable participation in the adaptation of foreign citizens in Yekaterinburg:

"It's very nice to see you all together today. Thank you to the students that they chose to study at USUE and came to us. I would also like to thank my colleagues from the Department of international cooperation and faculty members for your concern for the fate of each student."
This academic year, 187 foreign citizens became students of the Preparatory faculty of USUE, which is several dozen more than in the past. And in 2020, this figure will grow, according to faculty members. For the first time, the University administration not only congratulated the children on the New year, but also introduced them to the main traditions of this holiday.

Students of the Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the Ural state economic faculty got acquainted with the traditions of the new year celebration. The festive event was held at the USUE house of culture and brought together young people from 32 countries.

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