An example of courage, perseverance and mutual supportiveness

A solemn concert dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War was held at the USUE House of Culture. Students and employees of the university, members of the regional Council of Veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad took part in the commemorative event.

To the Central Military District orchestra accompaniment, cadets of the Yekaterinburg Cadet Corps brought the flags of the Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk region, regional Council of Veterans, Ural State University of  Economics and a copy of the legendary Victory Banner into the hall of the House of Culture.

On behalf of the university, the guests were welcomed by Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov. “For several years now, following a good tradition, we have been welcoming our esteemed veterans within these walls,” he addressed the participants of the commemorative event. “We are honored to have you here. And the doors of the university are always open for you!”

In turn, on behalf of the community of veterans, Yuri Sudakov,сhair of the Council of the Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization of Veterans of War, Labor, Combat Operations, Public Service, and Pensioners, addressed the audience. He recalled that many veterans call January 27 as Leningrad Victory Day.

 “On September 8, 1941, the battles for the city began. Almost immediately, Leningrad inhabitants felt a shortage of food. During the 872 days of the blockade, more than a million people died. And only the so-called Road of Life across Lake Ladoga helped to supply Leningrad,” Yuri Sudakov said. “To date, only 160 people have survived who have medals for lifting the blockade. I would like to wish good health to all of them. And may we all always have a peaceful blue sky above our heads!”

Now only three members of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council of Veterans who fought in the battles for Leningrad are alive. The oldest, Nikolai Spiridonovich Vlasov, will turn 100 in September 2023. To an ovation of the audience, Yuri Sudakov awarded all three veterans with commemorative medals. Besides, the members of the USUE student search team Honor and Memory presented flowers and gifts to all the veterans presented in the hall.

USUE hosted celebrations on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad

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