Today USUE has opened its doors to new students! They gathered in small groups in the square in front of the University, where they met with the directors of the Institutes, teachers, and mentors, who will help the newly minted students throughout the academic year.

The meeting of freshers is a special event in the life of every university. USUE staff and faculty warmly welcomed the students and wished them successful studies and merry student life. Yesterday's high school leavers and today’s students of USUE Institutes and College shared their emotions and impressions.

Alexandra Shushpanova: “I am incredibly happy! Admission to USUE was my dream, and this dream came true: I will study free of charge. I really like to be here! Our mentors are friendly and positive and I have met many interesting people."

Anastasia Kostousova: “I was lucky to enter USUE, this is the best institute in the world! I wished to study tourism very much, and I hope that all four years of our training will be successful! "
However, there was more to come. The meeting was followed by the first thematic educational lectures for the first-year students and were devoted to university studies and extracurricular activities for the next 4 years.

Holding such events, USUE does not forget about precautions: all participants were wearing face masks; they came into the university building strictly in small groups while maintaining social distance.

Today USUE has opened its doors to new students! They gathered in small groups in the square in front of the University, where they met with the directors of the Institutes, teachers, and mentors, who will help the newly minted students throughout the academic year.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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