The coronavirus has become a part of our lives, we are getting used to new conditions, and restrictive measures are gradually being eased. But this does not mean that the pandemic is over: the coronavirus rate remains at a high level. 

The University has put in place the arrangements necessary to organize the safe learning process, but one cannot eliminate all the risks. Standard precautions still need to be adhered to: one should wear a facemask, use hand sanitizers, maintain social distance, and avoid crowds. Vaccination is a new way to protect yourself and your loved ones from an illness that can take your life or worsen your health for a long time. 

Dear students, we recommend you to get vaccinated against coronavirus at clinics at your place of residence. It is free and secure.
You can find out all the information you are interested in about the vaccine and the answers to questions on the Rospotrebnadzor website:

The coronavirus has become a part of our lives, we are getting used to new conditions, and restrictive measures are gradually being eased. But this does not mean that the pandemic is over: the coronavirus rate remains at a high level.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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