Restrictive measures have become a serious challenge for everyone and especially for young people. Under lockdown, many people have realized how important sport is in our lives. Students of Ural State University of Economics continue to study and reach PE qualifying standards in a remote mode. On the University website, one can find many video sports lessons. Maxim Kocheryan, the acting chair of the USUE Department of Physical Education and Sports, told us how it is important to accustom oneself to regular physical activity. 
- What tasks does the department set in terms of the educational process? What do students need to train? 
- In accordance with the program, the ultimate goal of the educational process in physical culture is the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills necessary for mastering an independent and correct use of physical education methods and health promotion that could ensure a full social and professional life. This means that in order to work and lead a full-on life, each person must achieve a certain level of physical development, learn to maintain it, and derive enjoyment from it. 
 Unfortunately, many people are not accustomed to doing sports, trite but true, they are lazy. Therefore, the main educational task of the teachers of our department is both to teach students to perform physical exercises and to instill the habit to work out and play sports regularly and consciously, enjoying it!
We are traditionally strong in the following sports: women's volleyball and basketball, table tennis, climbing, drafts, and various types of wrestling. Over the past few years, we managed to gather a good chess team

The pride of the University is the women's volleyball team, which is a three-time winner of the summer All-Russia Universiade in 2012, 2014, 2018, and in 2010, 2016 it was a silver medalist - this is the best result among all universities in the country.
The organization of the training process and ensuring the participation of University teams in competitions at various levels are carried out by a sports club - a USUE structural unit. The University also has established a public association - a student sports club, which, together with the Department of Physical Education and Sports, organizes intra-university competitions, sports events, and festivals, championships of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia.

 All the work of the sports sections, additional physical education classes for students, staff, and their children is organized under the auspices of the fitness club "Eurasia", which opened at the USUE sports complex in 2018. Before the pandemic, the club worked every day from morning to evening. Besides various areas of fitness, there were sports sections for badminton, boxing, sambo, roller skating, taekwondo, and, of course, climbing. Since 2013, Ural State University of Economics has been an alma mater for all climbers of Yekaterinburg. For more than 7 years, about three hundred young rock-climbing athletes have been regularly training on our climbing wall including the national team of the Sverdlovsk region. USUE is undoubtedly one of the best places to study for young people who wish to receive a good education and, at the same time, to continue to do sports after their graduation.
All the teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, the entire coaching staff is working to provide a background for physical education and sports and to help love sports, as we do it!

Restrictive measures have become a serious challenge for everyone and especially for young people. Under lockdown, many people have realized how important sport is in our lives. Students of Ural State University of Economics continue to study and reach PE qualifying standards in a remote mode. On the University website, one can find many video sports lessons. Maxim Kocheryan, the acting chair of the USUE Department of Physical Education and Sports, told us how it is important to accustom oneself to regular physical activity. 

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