Nice to meet you, plant!

USUE students of the preparatory faculty from Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Egypt visited the Penetron waterproofing materials plant. Boys and girls saw how the largest enterprise in this field on the continent works.

The excursion in English and Russian was conducted by the company's employees - Quality Director Yevgeny Pomazkin and technologist Vlad Sysoev.

First of all, the young people, accompanied by Vera Ivikeyeva, teacher of the preparatory faculty of USUE, were instructed in safety precautions, equipped with masks and headgear.

The sightseers were shown around the territory of the plant, they have seen the very first mixer at the enterprise, which made it possible to produce 30 times less volume of products than modern equipment. The students visited the workshop, where they got acquainted with the process of making a dry mix based on cement.

The excursion continued at the training center: the students were given a lecture on innovative waterproofing technologies developed by Penetron. The plant's products are used in the construction and restoration of buildings, in repair work at hydroelectric power plants, water treatment facilities, dams, even water supply systems - the material does not change the properties of water.

The next "step" was the plant's laboratory, where raw materials and finished mixtures are tested.
“We check the quality of products for compliance with the requirements of GOST, and moreover, we conduct tests according to those parameters that dictate the needs of real objects, but do not take into account the state standard,” Evgeny Pomazkin explained.

The training ground, where Penetron technologies are testing, left a particularly vivid impression on the visitors of the plant. The students tried to eliminate the leak: mix a solution from a special dry mixture and water, mold the so-called "carrot" and plug the hole with it. It turned out that the matter was not so simple, but the guys were not at a loss and coped with the first stage of waterproofing work.

“I have never been to a factory, such a large one. And this is a wonderful experience: first to listen to the theory, and then to participate in the process yourself, to cope with the challenge like engineers! I fixed the leak myself, it was unusual and funny. I did not expect that it would be so interesting,” saidMouad Larzial, a student of the preparatory faculty of USUE from Morocco, who shared his “Serious people work at the plant, you need to follow strict safety rules, but the work is actually very interesting. I especially liked the laboratory and the testing ground: the impressions are super!”, said Dina Moussa, a student of the USUE Preparatory Faculty from Egypt.

At the end of the excursion, the organizers invited the guys to a coffee break to talk in an informal setting on a variety of topics.
“It was the first time I gave an excursion in English. With students, both Russian and foreign, it is very interesting, positive, you even begin to feel younger next to them. They are curious to listen, to try, the guys were not afraid to get wet or dirty and participated in the practical part of the excursion with pleasure. Well done!” said Vlad Sysoev.

By the way, USUE regularly conducts excursions for students of the preparatory faculty not only of a career-oriented nature, but also with immersion in the culture of Russia. The goal of the university is not just to give knowledge, but also to help foreign students get used to the country they have chosen for higher education, and many - for further professional and scientific self-realization.
“We visited the Ural State Medical University with students, at the enterprises of Yekaterinburg. Be sure to visit museums, theaters. The XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum left some of the brightest impressions on the guys: they visited the Ekaterinburg-Expo exhibition center at the forum events, felt themselves part of a large and progressive community. We also participate in other events of USUE, we help them find friends and decide on plans for the future,” said Vera Ivikeeva, teacher of the preparatory faculty of USUE.​

Chemical experiments were set up , "carrots" were sculpted and "fountains" were eliminated : USUE foreign students visited the Penetron plant.

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