President of the USUE Eurasian Research Institute of Man, Academician of RAS, a member of the Presidiums of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Chereshnev held a regular meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man. In the online mode on the YouTube channel, the academician again touched upon the hottest topic of concern to the entire world community: "COVID-19 infection: issues and remedies."


According to Valery Chereshnev, the problem of the occurrence of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) concerns every person on Earth. He began the conversation about this with an analysis of the sources of negative impacts on the human biosphere, which include the natural, anthropogenic, and social environment. Human impact on nature causes changes in ecology and endoecology - the internal environment of the human body. Those viruses, which had been once detected in animals, later became harmful to humans. Apart from COVID-19, which has been identified in bats and anteaters, the same can be said for the primary source of HIV found in monkeys. This, in fact, proves that the coronavirus is not a biological weapon. 


Besides, coronaviruses, which there are a lot of families and genera, were described by domestic scientists several decades ago. Moreover, in the 1970s L. Ya. Zakstelskaya and V.N. Syurin even wrote a book called Human and Animal Coronaviruses.


The danger of the coronavirus is that it is a thousand times more active than the influenza virus and there is still not a single drug that kills it. Of course, this forces modern researchers to look for ways to combat the virus with medications and therapeutic agents and to work on the invention of efficient vaccines.


Valery Chereshnev spoke about the conclusions of our scientists, which had been made in the 1980s - 90s. Viruses act in different directions on interferon-dependent immune defense mechanisms. The coronavirus suppresses them and the Sendai virus, on the contrary, activates them. The symbiosis of the Sendai virus with the animal body prevents the development of coronavirus pneumonia. Scientists have taken this as the basis for the use of the Sendai virus in the development of vaccines and laser technologies for the treatment of coronavirus in humans. Currently, active research and preparation for clinical testing are being carried out in this area.

The academician also recalled the successful use of a device with heated helium-oxygen (30% helium, 70% oxygen), which can efficiently replace a ventilator. He had mentioned this scientific development aimed at combating COVID-19 in his report at the Institute meeting back in April 2020. At that time, the testing of the heated helium-oxygen mixture on the virus had just begun. Over all this time, scientific tests on 50 patients of the Komi Republic have successfully passed. Now in the Komi Republic, there are ten such devices and they also run in the hospitals of St. Petersburg and Sosnovy Bor of the Leningrad Region. Currently, the developers are seeking to use these devices in the regional hospital No. 40, the only one in Yekaterinburg that has a license to test new medical equipment.


At the end of his speech, Valery Chereshnev answered the questions of the online audience and once again reminded of the need for security measures: wearing protective masks, observing personal hygiene, and avoiding mass events. 


President of the USUE Eurasian Research Institute of Man, Academician of RAS, a member of the Presidiums of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Chereshnev held a regular meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man. In the online mode on the YouTube channel, the academician again touched upon the hottest topic of concern to the entire world community: "COVID-19 infection: issues and remedies."

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